Congregational Care
Caring Visits
Sometimes it becomes difficult to attend worship regularly due to declining health. It’s important that those who can’t be here in person can still remain connected to their church family. Whether people need weekly or monthly visits or just a phone call and maybe an annual visit, our Continuing Care team is there for them. If you or a loved one are no longer able to make it to church or won’t be able to for an extended period of time and would like a friend to visit, please the church office at 940-382-5478.
Hospital Visits
Christ is with us in illness and in wellness. Our hospital visitation team visits members of our church who are hospitalized, providing prayer for the patient, a friend to chat with, and sometimes a much needed break for the patient’s family. Hospital visitors also help keep our pastors and congregation informed on the status of our hospitalized friends and members. If you or a loved one are admitted to the hospital, please contact the church to let us know and our hospital visitors will be by to see you.
Home Communion
For our home-bound and hospitalized friends, being able to participate in the life of the congregation by sharing in Holy Communion is a true blessing. Through Home Communion, they can still participate in this act of remembrance. Our Home Communion servers provide the Eucharist to our friends who cannot get to church. Receivers will be participating in the same Communion we provide at the church altar—a reminder that, even if they are unable to come to church for worship in body, we are all spiritually united with Christ and to each other in ministry to all people, wherever we may be.
Prayer Requests
How You Can Help
Volunteers for this ministry make regular caring visits to those who cannot attend regular worship services due to being home-bound or hospitalized, with:
Caring visits to home-bound members
Hospital visits
Serving Communion to the hospitalized and homebound
What we need from volunteers:
A one-year commitment to this ministry
Attend two-three hours of training on caring visits
Make at least one contact visit per month
Make contact by phone at least once a week
Update the pastoral staff of notable changes in the contact’s status
Participate in up to three one-hour status meetings a year with program leadership
If you feel called to volunteer in the vital ministry, or to receive the prayer list, please contact Rev. Raegan Gilliland.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is an international program we participate in as a congregation. It equips lay persons to provide confidential one-to-one care to those who are experiencing all kinds of life needs and circumstances. To connect with a Stephen Minister at FUMC Denton, contact Vicki Grider at vlgrider@juno.com.
DivorceCare is a 13-week non-denominational program that features biblical teaching for recovering from divorce or separation.
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos is a four-day weekend held in Coffield, a high-security prison near Palestine, Texas. This ministry takes place two times per year and involves monthly visits by the team who reunite with the inmates. Questions? Reach out to Bob & Nancy Voss at bob.voss@verizon.net.
Upcoming Opportunities

“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in … I was sick and you looked after me.”
— Matthew 25:35-36