Serve in the Community
Upcoming Seasonal Opportunities
Ongoing Community Partnerships
Mission of the Month
Each month, the Missions Committee at FUMC Denton chooses a local or global non-profit or mission event to collect donations for. You can bring donations to worship or throughout the week.
First Meal
On Sunday Mornings, our church offers a free breakfast to anyone who needs a meal. First Meal needs friends to serve breakfast, create community and build relationships, or donate money, breakfast items, or personal hygiene items.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Crocheters and knitters in our church make shawls, baby blankets, and lap robes. All of the items are blessed by one of our pastors, then each one is wrapped and delivered to someone in need or comfort.
Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread feeds, shelters, and cares for the homeless and at-risk in our community while maintaining the dignity of our guests and offering opportunities for a new start. You can help by signing up to serve or offering financial support.
Rockin' Readers
Adult volunteers (ages 55+) can serve as Rockin’ Readers who read aloud to pre-K—3rd grade classes once a week at Rivera Elementary School. There are training opportunities to get involved at this partner school!
Communities in Schools
CISNT is another way to support Rivera and other schools in Denton! Help CISNT surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
Interfaith Ministries
Interfaith Ministries provides assistance to the vulnerable in our community and to advocate for those in need of basic resources, including utility assistance, diapers and wipes, hygiene supplies, and referrals.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity builds and repairs houses with the help of volunteers and donations. You can serve by volunteering to work on houses, offering meals, making a monetary donation, or by becoming a family sponsor.
Prison Ministry
Members of our church serve with Bridges to Life, the Prison Entrepreneurship Program, Epiphany Ministries, Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and Kairos Prison Ministry to care for our incarcerated neighbors.