Welcome to FUMC Denton
It’s nice to meet you.
We’re glad you’re here, and we’re grateful that you’re willing to give us a try! Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, whatever your story or identity, God’s grace is here for you and so are we. As Methodists, we strive to have open hearts, open minds, open arms, and open doors—to God and to each other. All are welcome here! At First United Methodist Church of Denton, we believe we’re all connected and we hope you will find a home here as we seek to fulfill our church’s mission: “To Shine God’s Love into Every Life.” Always feel free to come as you are, whether you’re a suit-and-tie/dress-and-heels person to or a tshirt-and-jeans person. We invite you to come as yourself.
Discover worshipping communities at FUMC Denton.
7:00 First Meal
This is a free breakfast and informal worship service for any of our neighbors who are in need of a free meal on Sunday morning. Churches from all all over North Texas take turns sponsoring the meal and leading this service—it’s a wonderful time of friendship, service, and food.
Located in Monroe Gym
9:00 Mosaic Worship
Worship God in an artful way with people from different walks of life, generations, stories, and identities. This eclectic worship style is tailored-made for the creative’s soul—playing contemporary worship music with a flair. You’ll usually hear teaching from Rev. Don Lee.
Located in Flinn Hall
11:00 Sanctuary Worship
With innovative liturgy, congregational singing, and musical leadership from our choirs, the 11:00 Sanctuary Service creates space for worship in a more traditional manner while remaining relevant and rooted for today. You can also watch on TV: Charter 191 and Frontier 39.
Located in Sanctuary
11:00 Open Worship
A warm, inclusive modern worship community that uplifts the sacred worth of all people with preaching from Rev. Jonathan Perry and worship leadership from Krystal Stroud, and more. We affirm people of all identities. Open Worship is a place to experience God's radical love in a community that is uniquely Denton.
Located in Flinn Hall
1:30 Jesus Fuente de Vida
A service of joy, praise, and worship for the whole family—all in Spanish and led by Rev. Martha Segundo. Nuestra razón de congregarnos es exaltar el glorioso nombre de Dios, y existimos para proclamar el Señorío de Cristo y Su Obra transformadora a través de su Espíritu Santo.
Located in Flinn Hall

Find where you’re looking for.
Gathering Spaces
The Sanctuary is located on the second floor and third floor and is most easily accesed from the Locust Street and Mulberry Street entrances.
Miller Center is located on the first floor underneath the Sanctuary. This is where you can find donuts and refreshments on Sunday mornings and the Church Library. This is a common space for church gatherings.
Flinn Hall is the gathering space for our modern services and is located on the Sycamore Street side of the church. You can enter through the main porch entrance on Sycamore, the Breezeway entrance between the buildings on Sycamore, or from the Cole Chapel Entrance on Locust.
Monroe is a fellowship building and gym space. Monroe is located on the Sycamore Street side of the church. This is also a common space for church-wide gatherings and where the Youth Group meets on Sunday nights.
Cole Chapel is a beautiful worship space that is often used for special services and weddings. It is located on the corner of Locust and Sycamore and is most easily accesible from the Cole Chapel Locust Street entrance.
The East Wing is located along the Mulberry side of the church and is most easily accessed by the Mulberry Street entrance. This is where you can check-in your kids on Sunday morning (0-Pre-K on the first floor, K-5th grade on the second floor). This is also where Children’s Day Out meets during the week. The third floor is home to many of our musical groups and Adult classes.
The Education Wing is runs along the Locust side of the church and is most easily accessed through the Ivey Garden entance on Locust Street or from the Sycamore side. This is where you can check-in your student (6th-12th grades on Sundays on the third floor). Many of our groups gather here on Sunday mornings and throughout the week and our church offices are on the 1st floor.
If you plan to visit on a weekday, the entrances are locked for security purposes. The main office entrance can be found in Ivey Garden in the middle of the block on Locust St. Just touch the call button and someone will greet you and buzz you in. If you have any questions, please call our office at 940-382-5478 and we’ll guide you to the right place.
The largest parking lot of the church is located behind the church and accessible from Mulberry Street. On Sundays, the city parking lot across the street on Mulberry is accessible for free. We also have additional parking on Sycamore Street for our Mosiac Worship, Open Worship, and Jesus Fuente de Vida guests.
If you park on Locust Street, in front of the church, you can enter in three places: up the steps of the sanctuary, through the Ivey Garden entrance in the middle of the block or the Cole Chapel entrance. If you park in the city parking lot on Mulberry or in the spaces next to the building, you may enter through the Mulberry Street entrance. (Designated handicapped spots are available with two entrances both with elevator access to the Sanctuary, which is located on the second floor.) If you park in the east side parking lot, you can take the sidewalk on the south side of the East Wing to the east side entrance. If you park along Sycamore or in the Sycamore Street lot, the entrance is close to the northeast corner of the building.
Find us Downtown!
201 S. Locust Street
Denton, TX 76201
Sunday Worship Times
7:30 First Meal
9:00 Mosaic Worship
11:00 Celebration Service
11:00 Open Worship
1:30 Jesus Fuente de Vida
Office Hours
M-Th 9-4