Serve In the Church
Worship, Tech, & AV
Care for our worship spaces and live worship needs by being an usher, serving communion, hosting children’s time, operating the sound system or TV camera, singing, or playing an instrument.
Extend a warm welcometo our guests and visitors by serving as a greeter, helping with Children’s check-in, hosting the welcome center, or serving in the kitchen in Miller Center on Sunday mornings.
Church Office
Volunteer in the church office, on church grounds, or in weekly programming. Sign up to help answer the phones, tend to the grounds, assemble mail, and support the staff.
Congregational Care
Care for our church family in their times of need by making home and hospital visits, serving communion to homebound members, being part of the Prayer Team, or becoming a Stephen Minister.
Serve our local and global communities through administrative service—join our Missions Committee, help organize the Missions Corner, or deliver donations to local non-profits.
Connect with guests and plan opportunities for connection by delivering gifts to first time visitors, making follow up phone calls, or helping plan community events.
Build relationships with kids ages 0-5th grade by becoming a Kids’s Sunday School helper, helping with VBS, preparing or cleaning up children’s rooms, or by helping parents check-in their kids.
Invest in our students’ lives in grades 6-12 by leading a youth small group, preparing a meal, mentoring a student, assisting with administration, or chaperoning youth mission trips.
Help us create more disciples for the transformation of the world by leading a small group, bible study, or Sunday School class or by helping the Adult Discipleship Committee with administrative tasks.