The symbolic importance of Baptism
Water sustains life for every living thing—plants, animals and humans alike. Water often brings health, rest, and peace. The water in baptism is a symbol of God’s grace that covers each of us. We come through the water claiming who we are as a child of God.
For a child, baptism symbolizes the care of the nurturing community of the church, where we, the church, make a commitment to love and care for that child. Because of prevenient grace, we are open, accepting, and even encouraging of baptizing infants and children. The baptism of children is our way of saying that they are included in this body of Christ and we will love and support them through their faith journey, even before they are old enough to respond with their own confirmation. It’s a beautiful sacrament that embraces the mystery of God’s love and grace for all of us.
If you are interested in baptism for yourself or your child, please contact the pastor of the community you’d like to be baptized in.