Meet the Pastors
Raegan Gilliland
CO-LEAD PASTORRaegan is passionate about connecting people to one another in order for them to grow together as a community of faith. She would love to meet you and help you find your home at FUMC Denton!
Scott Gilliland
CO-LEAD PASTORScott is passionate about inclusive ministry and is dedicated to teaching the Bible with critical thought and fostering authentic community. He would love to meet you over a cup of coffee sometime.
David Finley
ASSOCIATE PASTOR OF YOUTH & FAMILIESDavid was commissioned on the deacon track in the United Methodist Church in 2018 and is working toward ordination. He would love to talk with you and is here to connect your students in 6th-12th grade with our Youth Ministry.
Sheryl Gallarneau
PASTOR OF CHILDREN & FAMILIESSheryl is an experienced leader and ordained minister who has served over a decade in children’s ministries. Sheryl has an authentic, open heart for kids and families, teaching, and community care. She would love to connect with your family and is here to help you and your kids find connection with the life of the church and with God.
Martha Segundo
PASTOR OF HISPANIC MINISTRYMartha is shepherding Jesus Fuente de Vida as they enter into a new season of vibrant ministry in our community. Martha has faithfully served FUMC Denton with a pastor’s heart for over two decades and is here to connect you with our Hispanic Ministry.
Meet the Worship Team
Dr. Joshua Taylor
DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP & MUSICJosh is an accomplished liturgist, author, music educator, and conductor, and holds advanced degrees in pastoral music, choral conducting, and music education. He leads our Worship Team, conducts our Adult Choirs, and would love to connect you to the music ministries of our church!
Dr. David Huff
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC FOR MODERN WORSHIPDave is a musician and sound engineer with a Ph.D. in music theory from UNT. Combining classical training with band experience, he brings expertise and creativity to Modern Worship, playing instruments such as bass, piano, trombone, and our favorite—the Stick.
Jamie Rives
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC FOR CHILDREN & YOUTHJamie has been part of our FUMC Denton family for a long time! She is responsible for our Children's Choir and will also assist with the Credo Youth Choir. She’s here to help your kids and youth connect with the Music Ministry at FUMC Denton!
Lizzy Williams
MOSAIC WORSHIP LEADERLizzy leads worship and music in our modern worship services. She has been part of our church family for many years and would love to get to know you and help you connect with the Mosaic community!
Krystal Stroud
OPEN WORSHIP LEADERKrystal co-leads modern worship with our modern team. She has a background in communications and music would love to help you get connected with Open and the life of the church!
Carol Lynn Mizell
HANDBELL DIRECTORCarol Lynn is the Conductor of the Handbell Choirs at FUMC Denton, and is a long-time member of the FUMC Denton Chancel Choir and Chamber Choir. She would love for you to join the Handbell team!
Meet the Children & Youth Team
David Finley
ASSOCIATE PASTOR OF YOUTH & FAMILIESDavid was commissioned on the deacon track in the United Methodist Church in 2018 and is working toward ordination. He would love to talk with you and is here to connect your students in 6th-12th grade with our Youth Ministry.
Sheryl Gallarneau
PASTOR OF CHILDREN & FAMILIESSheryl is an experienced leader and ordained minister who has served over a decade in children’s ministries. Sheryl has an authentic, open heart for kids and families, teaching, and community care. She would love to connect with your family and is here to help you and your kids find connection with the life of the church and with God.
Jamie Rives
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC FOR CHILDREN & YOUTHJamie has been part of our FUMC Denton family for a long time! She is responsible for our Children's Choir and will also assist with the Credo Youth Choir. She’s here to help your kids and youth connect with the Music Ministry at FUMC Denton!
Meet the Church Office Team
Jasmine Hutchins
DIRECTOR OF FINANCEJasmine brings nearly two decades of experience in bookkeeping and accounting, complemented by a degree in Human Resource Management. With a lifelong dedication to church involvement, she joins us with enthusiasm to support and steward our financial health at FUMC Denton.
Krystal Stroud
DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONSKrystal is a long-time Dentonite, worship leader, nerd, and queen of clarity. A strategy and communications expert, she has served in various roles in the United Methodist Church over the years and is here to assist with admin-related questions, connect you to the church newsletter, develop strategies for your cool ideas, and much more.
Rosie Morgan
OFFICE MANAGERRosie Morgan serves as the Office Manager at FUMC Denton, bringing years of experience in office administration, organization, and client services. Reach out to Rosie if you have questions about the church calendar or general inquiries about FUMC Denton.
Martha Segundo
FACILITIES MANAGERMartha has been on our team since 1999. She knows all the nooks, crannies and cracks to be found. She manages the custodial staff and cares for our church buildings, working with the Trustees. She is happy to help you find your way and help you with any building inquiries.
Pat Peters
CHURCH LIBRARIANPat has been a Librarian for over 20 years and has been part of the FUMC Denton since 1981. She has participated in various musical groups and served in many capacities in church leadership and service. She would love to connect you and your children with literary resources when you visit the library!
Mo Underwood
CONNNECTION COORDINATORMo, affectionately known as the Donut Queen, is here to help you connect more intentionally with your church family. You'll see her smiling face on Sundays and may hear from her via email or phone. Feel free to reach out to her with any connections & membership questions!