Youth Ministry
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
To grow as a group, growing closer to each other and to God so that more people will experience God’s love.

Youth Group
The youth ministry at First United Methodist Church of Denton has something for everyone. We are a group committed to:
Including all people
Sharing God’s love
Learning, worshiping, praying, singing and playing together
Reaching out to those who are in need
The group has a strong tradition of youth leadership. They take a vital role in planning and leading youth programs. All youth are encouraged to serve and help make youth group an awesome place for everyone.
Youth Ministry Advisory Council (YMAC)
The Youth Ministry Advisory Council is dedicated to supporting the Youth Ministry Vision and Mission by offering guidance, support, resources, and recognition for all areas of the Youth Program. YMAC is responsible for planning and leading the group in fulfilling its vision and mission:
Planning and leading United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) events and programs for the year
Planning and leading special events (Fall Retreat, Chili Cook-Off, Share the Harvest) in conjunction with YMAC
Serving as peer mentors for the youth group
Membership in YMAC is open to all active youth. Executive Team members (President, Vice President and Secretary) as well as Team Leaders and Year Representatives are elected by YMAC. The group usually meets on the third Sunday of each month at noon.

Our Schedule
Credo Youth Choir
Rehearsal 4:30-5:30 pm on Sundays
(Choir Room)
Credo is the choir opportunity for grades 6-12. They sing in traditional worship regularly and present a yearly talent show. Each year, Credo goes on tour combining their musical talent with missional outreach.
United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF)
Sundays at 5:30 pm in Monroe Gym. Sign up for our newsletter above to stay informed!
Sunday School
10-10:45 am
6th grade (Room 307)
7th grade (Room 301)
8th grade (Room 304)
9th grade (Room 302)
10th grade (Room 303)
11th grade (Room 305)
12th grade (Room 308)
Our Stories
Care & Outreach Team
The Care and Outreach Team cares for the members of the youth group including:
Sending birthday, sympathy and “we miss you” cards
Welcoming guests and bringing in new folks
Organizing group builders on occasion
Planning other fun surprises
Organizing big brothers and big sisters within the youth group for sixth graders
Mission Team
The Mission team leads the youth group in its mission projects including:
Seeking out new mission projects
Coordinating Denton mission projects: ongoing and one-time or seasonal projects
Recruiting youth and adults to participate in mission
Working with the Mission Team of the church
Summer mission trips
Music & Worship Team
The Music and Worship Team is responsible for the spiritual and musical life of the youth group including:
Planning and leading UMYF worship
Planning and leading special worship services such as the Easter Sunrise Service
Responding to other related spiritual needs as they arise
Planning and leading music during UMYF
Coordinating efforts with the youth band and Credo choir
Initiating and coordinating other music ministries