Your gifts make it possible to live out our mission to Shine God’s Love Into Every Life!
At First United Methodist Church of Denton, we believe that God cares about our needs and gives us enough to share with others, too. Money is most valuable when it is put to work helping people. As individuals and as the church, it is our privilege to give generously to people in need locally, regionally, nationally and abroad.

Pathways to Generosity
Why We Give
As Christians, we are called to give back to God and to others, realizing that everything we have is a gift from God. This is a generous church! Our members and friends give to support the church and its ministries. They support the church budget which provides funding for the salaries and benefits of those who work daily to use their gifts of ministry to serve the church and our greater community, maintain the buildings and grounds, provide a comfortable atmosphere for all who use the church facilities, not only on Sunday but throughout the week. And they give to a host of missions and ministries that we support as part of our mission to Shine God’s Love into Every Life.
Giving Options
Some members bring their gifts to worship services on Sunday. Some send their gifts through the mail or drop them by the church office. Others set up regular giving through their banks.
If you wish to mail your gifts, just send them to the church address to the attention of the Business Office. If you wish to give regularly, you can also set up a self-directed draft through your bank, or you can give the church permission to draft your account. Contact the Business Office if you want to set up a draft at 940-382-5478.
Online Giving
We provide several avenues for giving. A growing number are using the convenience of the church’s electronic giving platform powered by ACS Realm. This provides a quick and easy way to make one-time gifts or to set up recurring gifts.
If it's your first time, sign up. If you have already registered, sign in. A quick way to give on your phone is to text FUMCDENTON to 73256. You will immediately receive a text back with a link to our Online Giving Center. If you have any questions about online giving, please contact our church office at 940-382-5478.