Music & Arts
Chancel Choir
Rehearses Wednesdays at 7pm
This is the principal worship ensemble for the 11:00 am Sunday worship service. Its repertoire features contemporary and historical sacred art music. Major works are presented, with orchestra, on a regular basis.
Credo Youth Choir
Rehearses Sundays at 4:30pm
The Credo Choir combines music with great fellowship. Open to youth 6th through 12th grades.
Children’s Choir
Rehearses Sundays at 9:15am
Kids PK4-5th are welcome to enjoy a time of music-making and learning.
Bells’ Angels
Rehearses Wednesdays 5:30—6:30pm
The adult handbell ensemble. The group performs monthly in worship services as well as in local festivals. This group includes men and women from college age on up. Advanced youth ringers may be invited to ring with this group.
Modern Band
Modern Band
Rehearses Sundays at 7:30am
The Modern Band, affectionately known as the Mopen Band, plays at the Mosaic and Open worship services. They play many different styles of music and have written several original songs that are beloved by our community.