Pathways to Generosity
Every year, we find ourselves reflecting on gratitude and generosity, on how we can give back as a response to God’s faithfulness. At FUMC Denton, we want to invite you to join us on a journey. Over the last number of years, we have focused intently on God’s dreams for this community and on how our generosity is a spiritual practice that brings God’s dreams into reality. We’re seeking to deepen our understanding that generosity is not our way of raising the budget, but God’s way of raising disciples. We're excited about this journey and the steps we're taking together on the giving path. We're asking you to take a step towards greater generosity and its invitation to deeper life.

Pathways to Generosity is our generosity initiative for the 2025 ministry support of FUMC Denton.
Pathways to Generosity will help us deepen our understanding that generosity is not our way of raising the budget, but God’s way of raising disciples, transforming each life that journeys on the pathway and empowering our church to continue to transform lives together as disciples of Jesus. Each one of us invited to pray, “God, how are you leading me to give?” This journey is a prayer, a conversation with God about our personal generosity. It might take time to reach where God calls us to be, but remember, every journey begins with a first step.
How to prepare
1. Examine your personal giving and how it reflects your commitment to the way of Jesus.
2. Reflect on the understanding that stewardship is about raising disciples, not money.
4. Decide what percentage of your income you plan to give consistently this year (see the Giving Path below).
3. Read the daily devotional in Practicing Extravagant Generosity and pray for God’s guidance in your personal finances.
Find the connection between your faith and your finances
Generosity is part of our discipleship journey. How we use our resources is a spiritual practice, following the way of Jesus’ life and ministry.
Jesus spoke openly about money and possessions. About two-thirds of the parables and about one in every ten verses in the Gospels address this very issue. As followers of Jesus, we talk about giving as an outward expression of our love for Christ.
In a stewardship campaign like this, it can be tempting to approach the financial needs of the church as if we were simply funding the budget. In Pathways to Generosity, we acknowledge that living generously is an inseparable part of following Jesus. We give as an act of gratitude and trust, knowing that God is at work for good in our community throughout spiritual practice. Generosity isn’t raising a budget, it’s God’s way of raising disciples.
As we seek to trust God and follow Christ’s teaching faithfully, we learn to depend less on ourselves and more on God, moving from a fearful mindset of scarcity to a practicing a faithful mindset of abundance.
Submit Your
Estimate of Giving
Our estimate of giving is an opportunity to discover the joy of growing in our relationship with God as we experience living generously. You can change your estimate anytime.
“You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity.”
Your generosity makes a difference
These are stories of God at work here in FUMC Denton and through the work of this community locally and around the world. Your gifts to this church make all of this possible. Thank you!