Upcoming Events

Real Talk Y'all

Real Talk Y'all

Got real questions you don’t always get to ask in a faith community? Join us as we draw your anonymous questions from a bucket and dive into honest conversations together—plus pizza! All are welcome!

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Ash Wednesday Midday Service

Ash Wednesday Midday Service

Join us at Noon in Cole Chapel to begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. This service will include the imposition of ashes and focuses on centering ourselves as we prepare to journey with Jesus to the cross and ultimately his resurrection on Easter morning.

Please enter the church through the Cole Chapel door that can be found on the corner of Locust and Sycamore Streets or the breezeway door on the Sycamore Street side of the church under the breezeway. Parking is available in the small lot behind True Leaf on Sycamore Street.

We hope you will join us for worship as we begin the season of Lent together!

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Community Dinner: Ash Wednesday Edition

Community Dinner: Ash Wednesday Edition

Join us for a special edition of our Community Dinner on Wednesday, March 5, at 5:30 PM in Miller Center as we make space for the 6:30 PM Ash Wednesday service. Come share a meal and meaningful conversation with your church family before we enter this sacred season together.

Bring your own dinner, bring something to share, or just come hungry—whatever works for you works for us! After the Ash Wednesday service, stick around for desserts and fellowship as we reflect on the journey of Lent together. This is a come-and-go gathering, so arrive when you can and stay as long as you’d like.

We look forward to sharing this time of community, worship, and reflection with you!

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Ash Wednesday Evening Service

Ash Wednesday Evening Service

Join us for worship at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary to begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. This service will include the imposition of ashes and focuses on centering ourselves as we prepare to journey with Jesus to the cross and ultimately his resurrection on Easter morning.

Childcare will be available for ages 0-4. Please enter the church through the Mulberry door that can be found on the Mulberry Street side of the church in the center of the building. The elevator is on the left and the Sanctuary and childcare are on the 2nd floor. Parking is available in the church lot on the corner of Industrial and Mulberry and along Mulberry Street.

This service will be live-streamed on YouTube. For those of you joining from home, you are welcome to use any other household item as ashes—some popular choices include glitter, chalk, spices, and dirt for self-imposition at home. We hope you will join us for worship as we begin the season of Lent together!

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Pub Theology

Pub Theology

Pub Theology is a group for folks with questions about God and life. We meet at a local bar for a discussion-based group. Leaders lead a mini presentation on the topic and what history, the Bible, and other theologians may have to say about it. Our questions examine the topics through the lens of the individual’s life experiences in the group.

Spring 2025 Topics:

  • February 6—Method to the Madness: John Wesley and the Foundations of Methodism

  • March 6—Gosh Daring: Fictional Blasphemy

  • April 3*—Father Abraham Had Many Sons: Abrahamic Religions

  • May 1*—It's the End of the World as We Know It: The Apocalypse

*April and May topics tentative and may switch.

Location: Miss Angeline's, 125 E. Oak Street, Denton, TX 76201

Age limit: If you’re under 21 but would like to attend, please check in with Alyssa.

Parking: There's street parking and a parking lot located directly across the street from Miss Angeline's.

Accessibility: There is a ramp on the Oak Street side of Miss Angeline's. There is a chance we will be outside, depending on the weather, but most often we will be meeting in the red room in the center of the venue (directly in front of the restrooms).

Restrooms: There are two gendered bathrooms.

NA options: Non-alcoholic options are available.

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Holy Rebellion Lenten Series Begins

Holy Rebellion Lenten Series Begins

Jesus wasn’t crucified for being agreeable. His ministry disrupted the status quo, confronted religious and political power, and called people to choose a different way—a way that still challenges us today.

This Lent, join us for Holy Rebellion: When Faith Disrupts Our World, a deep dive into the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus refuses to settle for the world as it is and instead reveals the world as it could be. Through powerful stories—being cast out of his own hometown, healing the outcast, challenging empty religious rules, and even stopping his own disciples’ violence—Jesus calls us to a faith that is bold, courageous, and radically different. Are we ready to follow him?

Join us Sundays in Lent at FUMC Denton as we explore what it means to rebel against the ordinary in pursuit of God’s extraordinary Kindom!

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Unveiling the Apocalypse

Unveiling the Apocalypse

Dive into the final book of the Bible, Revelation, and uncover its rich meaning beyond common misconceptions. Together, we’ll explore its powerful imagery and messages, sorting through what you may have heard and taking a deeper, closer look at what it truly says. Join us as we engage in thoughtful discussion and discover how this profound book speaks to us today.

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Lenten Midday Prayer

Lenten Midday Prayer

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for a brief service of Midday Prayer. We’ll be meeting at Noon in Cole Chapel on March 5, 12, 19, & 26 and April 2 & 9. All are welcome! 

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Youth Methodist Mashup

Youth Methodist Mashup

Youth groups from Lewisville, Flower Mound, Denton, and Carrollton will meet at Flower Mound UMC for a meal, games, and worship together. We will try to build the world's largest nine square game and hear an inspiring message from Maggie Proshek. We'll leave FUMC at 5pm to travel together and return by 8pm.

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Trippers go to the Chickasaw Cultural Center

Trippers go to the Chickasaw Cultural Center

Chickasaw Cultural Center

**Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025**

**Departure: 8:30 AM from FUMC-Denton**

The trip includes transportation, museum entrance fees, and a special Chickasaw lunch.

Join us for the Tree Sisters Celebration at the Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur, Oklahoma, the cultural home of the Chickasaw people. This unique destination is a special place where the culture of the Chickasaw people comes to life through play, creativity, cooking, dance, and song.

Contact Happy Carrico for more information.

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Men’s Book Club

Men’s Book Club

Join our next Men’s Book Club at Zera’s Coffee, 420 E. McKinney, Denton. The book chosen is: The Wide Wide Sea by Hampton Sides. Discussion will be encouraged and occasionally we may even talk about the book. Even if you don’t read, come and enjoy the fellowship. Please contact Bob Voss 972-965-9605 for more information.

Book Description: A “thrilling and superbly crafted” (The Wall Street Journal) account of the most momentous voyage of the Age of Exploration, which culminated in Captain James Cook’s death in Hawaii, and left a complex and controversial legacy still debated to this day.

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Lenten Midday Prayer

Lenten Midday Prayer

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for a brief service of Midday Prayer. We’ll be meeting at Noon in Cole Chapel on March 12, 19, & 26 and April 2 & 9. All are welcome! 

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Family Dinner Night

Family Dinner Night

Enjoy a family-friendly dinner night out with your church family! Meet us at Mellow Mushroom off the Square and treat yourself to an easy dinner out and visit with other FUMC Denton families. All are welcome!

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Mosaic & Open Leadership Meeting

Mosaic & Open Leadership Meeting

Over the last few months, we’ve seen more and more new faces at FUMC Denton, and that’s something to celebrate! With this growth comes a huge opportunity to extend radical hospitality and make sure everyone who walks through our doors feels truly seen and welcomed.

Right now, we especially need volunteers during Mosaic and Open to help create that warm, inviting space we’re all about. Pastors Raegan and Scott are hosting a quick info session during the 10 o’clock hour on Sunday, March 23, to share how you can be part of this important work.

Serving doesn’t have to be complicated—one of the easiest ways to give back is by showing up on Sunday mornings to help make church a place where people feel at home. Join us and see how you can plug in and be part of the exciting things happening at FUMC Denton! Hope to see you there!

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

March 24: The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row, Anthony Ray Hinton

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Lenten Midday Prayer

Lenten Midday Prayer

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for a brief service of Midday Prayer. We’ll be meeting at Noon in Cole Chapel on March 26 and April 2 & 9. All are welcome! 

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March Mission Corner: Our Daily Bread & First Meal

March Mission Corner: Our Daily Bread & First Meal

Throughout March, we're collecting essential supplies for Our Daily Bread (ODB) and our own First Meal ministry. This mission will culminate in two hands-on opportunities to serve at the end of the month.

Who We’re Supporting:

  • Our Daily Bread (ODB) – A long-time partner of FUMC Denton, ODB provides housing, meals, and essential services to unhoused guests in Denton.

  • First Meal – Our church’s ministry that serves breakfast every Sunday morning in Monroe Gym for those in need of a warm meal.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donate Supplies – We are collecting much-needed items for both ODB and our First Meal supply closet. 

    • Hygiene Items: Travel-size body wash, toothpaste, shampoo, bar soap, toothbrushes, Chapstick, tissues

    • First Aid & Comfort: Tylenol, twin-size sheets/blankets, standard-size pillows

    • Kitchen & Cleaning: Napkins, sugar, vinyl gloves, rubber gloves, laundry detergent, trash bags

    • Clothing Essentials: New men’s and women’s underwear, new/gently used bras

  2. Volunteer to Serve – Sign up to serve at one (or both!) of these mission opportunities:

    • Saturday, March 29 – Volunteer for the mid-day shift at Our Daily Bread.

    • Sunday, March 30 – Help with First Meal. We need 3-4 volunteers to prep and serve breakfast from 6:30–8am.

Sign-up sheets are available in Miller Center and Flinn Hall. Let’s be the hands and feet of Christ together—thank you for shining God’s love into every life!

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Lenten Midday Prayer

Lenten Midday Prayer

Join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for a brief service of Midday Prayer. We’ll be meeting at Noon in Cole Chapel on April 2 & 9. All are welcome! 

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Easter Egg Donations

Easter Egg Donations

Easter is coming and we’re working hard to provide a community Easter Egg Hunt event this year at our annual Eggstravaganza (April 13)—and we need lots of pre-filled eggs! You can bring your donations to the church OR we have set up an Amazon Wishlist—all you have to do is add the candy or eggs to your cart, purchase it, and it will ship directly to the church. Thank you for being a church that shines God’s love into every life!

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Real Talk Y'all

Real Talk Y'all

Got real questions you don’t always get to ask in a faith community? Join us as we draw your anonymous questions from a bucket and dive into honest conversations together—plus pizza! All are welcome!

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Lenten Midday Prayer

Lenten Midday Prayer

Join us each Wednesday during the season of Lent for a brief service of Midday Prayer. We’ll be meeting at Noon in Cole Chapel on April 2 & 9. All are welcome! 

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Easter Eggstravaganza: Egg Hunt + Pancake Brunch

Easter Eggstravaganza: Egg Hunt + Pancake Brunch

The Easter Bunny is coming to FUMC Denton on Sunday, March 24 from 12:15-2 pm. Bring the whole family for a fun Community Egg Hunt. This event is 100% free and open to the public. We’ll have an Egg Hunt, pancake brunch, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and games. You’re encouraged to bring a basket for each child but we will have bags on site for those who don’t have their own. See you there!

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, we step into the story of Jesus’ final night before his arrest—where love, service, and sacrifice take center stage. Led by our pastors and modern band, this service blends scripture, storytelling, and secular music to bring the journey of that night to life.

Experience the intimacy of the Last Supper through Holy Communion, the humility of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet through a hand-washing activity, and the weight of what was to come. Through music from our world today and over generations, we’ll discover how this ancient story still speaks to us, shaping our faith and calling.

You can also join us online for this special service on YouTube. Come and remember what Jesus has done, is doing, and will do, as we find ourselves in the story once more.

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Good Friday

Good Friday

Join us for a Good Friday service featuring the FUMC Chancel Choir in a performance of John Stainer’s Crucifixion. This sacred oratorio, led by Dr. Joshua Taylor, Director of Worship & Music, with Elizabeth Yoo on organ, offers a reflective and moving account of Christ’s passion through choral music and scripture.

As we remember the significance of Good Friday, this service provides an opportunity to meditate on Christ’s sacrifice and its meaning for our lives today.

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

April 28: Start With Hello: (And Other Simple Ways to Live As Neighbors), Shannan Martin

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Trippers: Kentucky Derby
to May 4

Trippers: Kentucky Derby

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On your mark, get set and go to the Kentucky Derby!

The Trippers will be going to the 2025 Kentucky Derby, the Super Bowl of horse racing. This will include sight-seeing various sites around Louisville, admission to the Derby and food. This does not include any type of hats. This is a once in a lifetime trip!

Cost is $5359.00

Questions? Contact Candy Blackmon, (626) 644-4045

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Coffee with the Pastors

Coffee with the Pastors

Are you new to FUMC Denton or interested in learning more about getting involved? Join us for "Coffee with the Pastors" during the Sunday School hour in Room 108. This is a perfect opportunity to meet our pastors, hear about the many ways you can connect, ask questions about our church and membership. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee, great conversation, and find your place in our vibrant community. We look forward to getting to know you better!

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Real Talk Y'all

Real Talk Y'all

Got real questions you don’t always get to ask in a faith community? Join us as we draw your anonymous questions from a bucket and dive into honest conversations together—plus pizza! All are welcome!

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

May 19: The Book Woman's Daughter, Kim Michele Richardson

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Trippers: Canton Flea Market

Trippers: Canton Flea Market

Get ready for a fun-filled day of shopping and exploring at the world-famous Canton Flea Market with the FUMC Denton Trippers! Join us on Friday, May 30, 2025, for a day of discovering unique treasures and enjoying the bustling atmosphere of one of Texas’s most beloved markets.

  • Departure: The bus will leave promptly at 9:00 AM from FUMC.

  • Arrival at Canton: Around 11:00 AM.

  • Shopping Time: Explore the market at your own pace from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Carts will be available for rent to help with mobility and carrying your finds.

  • Return Home: We’ll leave Canton at 3:00 PM and arrive back at FUMC around 5:00 PM.

  • Cost: $35 per person.

Don’t miss this chance to experience a fantastic day trip! Reserve your spot today and get ready for a day of fun, fellowship, and fantastic finds.

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

June 23: Starfish, Lisa Fipps

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Musical Theatre Camp for 1st-6th Grades
to Jul 18

Musical Theatre Camp for 1st-6th Grades

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FUMC Denton is excited to offer a Musical Theatre Camp this summer, July 14-18! Kids will spend the week learning a musical made just for kids and full of excellent music! Music Theater Camp is for kids entering 1st-6th grade in the 2025-26 school year and will be led by our Children’s Choir Director, Jamie Rives.

Half Day Campers

Early Registration Fee (by April 14): $100/kid // $250 Family Max
Regular Registration Fee (by June 1): $125/kid // $300 Family Max
M-Th: 8:30am-Noon & Friday: 8:30am-5:30pm (Show Day)
Kids will enjoy mornings full of music, acting, dancing, set building, morning snacks, and more as they prepare for their big show on Friday night! Friday is a full day exception for all campers—lunch is included and they’ll spend the afternoon that day in dress rehearsals and preparing all the final touches for the big show.

Full Day Campers

Early Registration Fee (by April 14): $200/kid // $450 Family Max
Regular Registration Fee (by June 1): $225/kid // $500 Family Max
M-F: 8:30am-5:30pm
Kids will enjoy all of the above as well as daily lunch and afternoon field trips Monday-Thursday. We’ve got exciting things planned, more information on field trips coming soon!

The Big Show!

Friday at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary with a reception to follow in Miller Center.
Parents are invited to see all the incredible work the kids have done this week and enjoy their performance! A reception in Miller Center will follow the performance.

If your family would like to participate, but you need financial assistance, please contact our Children’s Choir Director, Jamie Rives, at jrives@fumc-denton.com.

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

July 28: We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible With the Poor People's Campaign, Edited by Liz Theoharis

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Coffee with the Pastors

Coffee with the Pastors

Are you new to FUMC Denton or interested in learning more about getting involved? Join us for "Coffee with the Pastors" during the Sunday School hour in Room 108. This is a perfect opportunity to meet our pastors, hear about the many ways you can connect, ask questions about our church and membership. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee, great conversation, and find your place in our vibrant community. We look forward to getting to know you better!

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

August 25: A Right Worthy Woman: A Novel, Ruth P. Watson

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Trippers: Alaska
to Sep 14

Trippers: Alaska

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Alaskan Cruise with Princess Cruise

Trippers are cruising along.

We will be heading to cooler parts of the country 
Sept. 6-14, 2025

We'll be departing and returning in Seattle, WA.

We will be cruising the inside passage which includes Ketchikan down through Victoria, Canada.

$250 deposit is due by Jan. 25, 2025

Questions? Contact Candy Blackmon, (626) 644-4045

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Trippers go to Endangered ARK Foundation

Trippers go to Endangered ARK Foundation

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on a special journey to EAF in southeastern Oklahoma to celebrate the 75th birthday of the herd's matriarch, Suzy. The trip will include transportation, lunch, and feed for the elephants. Let’s come together to honor and deepen our understanding of these magnificent creatures!

**When:** September 20, 2025  
**Time:** 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM  
**Cost:** $125 per person  

To reserve your spot, please send a check made out to FUMC - Trippers to Happy Carrico, Trippers' Treasurer, at 1008 Thomas Street, Denton, TX 76201. Alternatively, you can use Venmo at @Happy-Carrico. Be sure to include the trip name in the memo on your check or in the info box on Venmo.

Contact Happy Carrico for more information.

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Coffee with the Pastors

Coffee with the Pastors

Are you new to FUMC Denton or interested in learning more about getting involved? Join us for "Coffee with the Pastors" during the Sunday School hour in Room 108. This is a perfect opportunity to meet our pastors, hear about the many ways you can connect, ask questions about our church and membership. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee, great conversation, and find your place in our vibrant community. We look forward to getting to know you better!

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Trippers: Christmas Markets Cruise
to Dec 11

Trippers: Christmas Markets Cruise

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you love Christmas, the Trippers have a Christmas Adventure for you.

We will be doing a Christmas Markets Cruise which will take us through Switzerland, France and Germany.  This is a river cruise along the Rhine River. We will be traveling Dec. 3-11, 2025 which will allow us to savor the sounds, sights and tastes of the various European Christmas markets.

There are a variety of rooms available and a maximum of 162 passengers on board. Rooms range from $4395 per person double occupancy to $5945 for the suites.

Enjoy lots of strolling in fairy-tale Christmas settings while munching on chocolate covered gingerbread and grilled sausages.

The deposit is $600 per person, insurance is $499 per person. The larger suites and rooms tend to book up the fastest.

You may register online or get your registration to :

Candy Blackmon
416 Hollyhill Ln.
Denton, TX 76205

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The Meaning of Lent

The Meaning of Lent

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season of reflection and spiritual growth. But what exactly do we do during Lent, and why does it matter? Join Josh Taylor as he unpacks the meaning behind our Lenten practices at FUMC Denton and how they help deepen our faith journey.

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March Mission Corner: Our Daily Bread & First Meal

March Mission Corner: Our Daily Bread & First Meal

Throughout March, we're collecting essential supplies for Our Daily Bread (ODB) and our own First Meal ministry. This mission will culminate in two hands-on opportunities to serve at the end of the month.

Who We’re Supporting:

  • Our Daily Bread (ODB) – A long-time partner of FUMC Denton, ODB provides housing, meals, and essential services to unhoused guests in Denton.

  • First Meal – Our church’s ministry that serves breakfast every Sunday morning in Monroe Gym for those in need of a warm meal.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donate Supplies – We are collecting much-needed items for both ODB and our First Meal supply closet. 

    • Hygiene Items: Travel-size body wash, toothpaste, shampoo, bar soap, toothbrushes, Chapstick, tissues

    • First Aid & Comfort: Tylenol, twin-size sheets/blankets, standard-size pillows

    • Kitchen & Cleaning: Napkins, sugar, vinyl gloves, rubber gloves, laundry detergent, trash bags

    • Clothing Essentials: New men’s and women’s underwear, new/gently used bras

  2. Volunteer to Serve – Sign up to serve at one (or both!) of these mission opportunities:

    • Saturday, March 29 – Volunteer for the mid-day shift at Our Daily Bread.

    • Sunday, March 30 – Help with First Meal. We need 3-4 volunteers to prep and serve breakfast from 6:30–8am.

Sign-up sheets are available in Miller Center and Flinn Hall. Let’s be the hands and feet of Christ together—thank you for shining God’s love into every life!

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February Mission Corner: Gift Cards for Spring Break Food Baskets

February Mission Corner: Gift Cards for Spring Break Food Baskets

FUMC Denton is partnering with Tomas Rivera Elementary to provide grocery store gift cards for families whose children depend on the school breakfast and lunch programs for meals when school is in session. Feeding children during spring break, March 10-14, is a challenge for food insecure families. 

To participate, you may:

  • Give Kroger or Walmart gift cards in any dollar amount $50 or less. Please write the value on the gift card. You may drop gift cards in the offering plate on Sunday mornings or at the Ivey Garden entrance to FUMC Denton during business hours.

  • Donate money through fumcdenton.com/give and select “General Missions” from the drop-down menu or mail checks to FUMC Denton. Designate funds to general mission with "February Mission Corner” in the memo line both online and via check.

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Moving Beyond DEI with Dr. Maria Dixon Hall

Moving Beyond DEI with Dr. Maria Dixon Hall

Our Church and Society’s Speakers’ Series continues with Dr. Maria Dixon Hall, Chief Diversity Officer of Southern Methodist University. In her presentation, “From Babel to Pentecost: Moving Beyond DEI,” Dr. Dixon examines how the contentious debates surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) stem from a flawed framework developed over the past 40 years. Drawing on the biblical stories of Babel and Pentecost, she explores how Cultural Intelligence can help us transcend division and work together authentically in a diverse world.

Dr. Maria Dixon Hall is an Associate Professor of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs at Southern Methodist University (SMU) and serves as the Director of Mustang Consulting and an Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor. She is also the Senior Advisor to the Provost at SMU. Her research focuses on organizational strategy, power, identity, and culture within corporate, nonprofit, and religious organizations. Her work has been published in leading academic journals, including Management Communication Quarterly, Southern Journal of Communication, Liturgy, and the Journal of Communication and Religion. As a recognized leader in organizational consulting, Dr. Dixon founded mustangconsulting, an SMU-based communication firm where top students provide strategic consulting for clients such as Southwest Airlines, Dance Theatre of Harlem, the Ugandan American Partnership Organization, and the United Methodist Church. Dr. Dixon has received multiple teaching and service awards, including the Golden Mustang for Outstanding Teaching and Research, the Willis M. Tate Award for Service to Students, and SMU’s highest honor, the “M” Award for exceptional service to the university. She holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Communication from the University of Missouri-Columbia, a Th.M. and M.Div. in Theology from Emory University, and a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Alabama.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 25 at 7pm

WHERE: First United Methodist Church of Denton, 201 S Locust St., Denton, TX 76201
in the Sanctuary, located on the 2nd floor on the corner of Locust & Mulberry.

ENTRY: Please enter through the doors at the intersection of Mulberry and Austin Streets (wheelchair accessible)

PARKING: FUMC Denton offers parking behind the church, accessible from Mulberry Street, and in the lot on Sycamore Street. Accessible parking spaces are available on Mulberry Street.

This free event is open to both the FUMC Denton congregation and the wider community. We look forward to seeing you there! 

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

February 24: All That is Secret, Patricia Raybon

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Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert

Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert

Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert

📅 Sunday, February 23 | ⏰ 4:00 PM | 📍 FUMC Denton Sanctuary

Experience the powerful fusion of jazz and sacred music in Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert, presented by the FUMC Denton Chancel Choir and talented UNT Jazz Musicians. Under the baton of Dr. Joshua Taylor, Director of Worship & Music at FUMC Denton and Instructor of Sacred Music Studies at UNT, this performance brings to life one of Ellington’s most profound works.

This special event will feature arrangements and a pre-concert lecture by Tito Charneco, a Doctor of Musical Arts candidate in Jazz Saxophone at UNT. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to witness a masterpiece that seamlessly blends the spirit of jazz with the sacred.

Free and open to all—invite friends and family!

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Coffee with the Pastors

Coffee with the Pastors

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you new to FUMC Denton or interested in learning more about getting involved? Join us for "Coffee with the Pastors" on February 23 at 10 am during the Sunday School hour in Room 108. This is a perfect opportunity to meet our pastors, hear about the many ways you can connect, ask questions about our church and membership. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee, great conversation, and find your place in our vibrant community. We look forward to getting to know you better!

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CANCELLED—Wonderfully Made: Human Sexuality Workshop for 5th-8th Graders

CANCELLED—Wonderfully Made: Human Sexuality Workshop for 5th-8th Graders

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop is designed to present information about anatomy, puberty and adolescence, human development, sexuality, and being created in the image of God. This course is facilitated by Cheryl Bishop, Director of Family Ministry at FUMC Richardson. Cost is $45 per child.

Parent Session: Thursday, February 20 from 6:30-8pm
Student Session: Friday, February 21 from 6:30-9pm
Student Session: Saturday, February 22 from 9-3:30pm (Parents will join at 2:30pm for closing session) 

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CANCELLED—Paul’s Letters: Challenge and Inspiration for Today

CANCELLED—Paul’s Letters: Challenge and Inspiration for Today

Paul’s writings make up nearly half the New Testament and have profoundly shaped our faith and church practices. Though sometimes controversial, Paul’s insights into human nature and the church continue to resonate today. Join Georgianne Burlage for 12-weeks on Tuesday nights in Room 336, starting February 18, as she leads an engaging study of Paul’s letters. This class, rooted in the Disciple Bible Study program, includes daily readings and thought-provoking discussions. Whether you love Paul’s writings or wrestle with them, this is a space to learn, reflect, and share. There is a cost of $20 to cover the book needed for this course.

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Celebrating Black History Month with St. James AME Church

Celebrating Black History Month with St. James AME Church

Black History Month Program at St. James AME Church

Join St. James AME Church for a special Black History Month Program celebrating “The Making of Our History: Faith ~ Talent ~ Gifts”

📅 Date: Sunday, February 16, 2025
Time: 2:30 p.m.
📍 Location: St. James AME Church, 1107 East Oak, Denton, TX 76205

Come and honor the rich history, faith, and contributions of the Black community through an inspiring program filled with reflections, music, and celebration.

Hosted by:

  • Rev. Mason Rice, Jr., Pastor

  • Rev. Bernard Dickson, Associate Pastor

  • Rev. Greg Forte, Associate Pastor

  • Rev. Iona Smith, Associate Pastor

All are welcome! Let’s come together to celebrate and uplift Black history, talent, and faith.

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Taizé Prayer Service

Taizé Prayer Service

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Last summer, a group of FUMC Denton adults and youth traveled to France to experience the prayer services of the Taizé Community. This unique style of worship—marked by meditative prayer, simple chants, and moments of silence—has spread worldwide, guiding many into a deeper life with God. Now, you have the opportunity to experience the beauty of Taizé worship for yourself. Join us for a Taizé Prayer Service on Sunday, February 16, at 10:15 AM in Cole Chapel and discover a fresh and contemplative way to pray.

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UWF Winter Casserole Sale

UWF Winter Casserole Sale

Preorder: February 2-16
Pick-up: March 2

The casseroles are back! You can preorder frozen 8X8 casseroles online for $15 starting February 2. The Winter Casserole Sale benefits women, children and youth locally, nationally, and globally. Choose from chicken enchilada, chicken spaghetti, chicken pot pie, and green chile enchilada (vegetarian). Thank you for supporting this fundraiser! Place your order here.

Casseroles will be sold frozen, and cooking instructions will be provided. They can be picked up on Sunday, March 2, in Miller Center, between 10 am and 12:15 pm.

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Trippers: Australia/New Zealand
to Feb 26

Trippers: Australia/New Zealand

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Trippers are headed Down Under!

We will be exploring Sydney, Cairns, and Melbourne while in Australia. We'll snorkel or sail around the Great Barrier Reef, visit koalas and wallibies, and have a dinner cruise in Sydney Harbor.

Then we'll fly to New Zealand to visit it's fabulous, lush scenery. We'll experience the Maori Culture with a Hangi Feast and Haka dance (or shouting exhibition). For the Lord of the Rings fans, we will visit Hobbiton.

This will be a Once in a Lifetime Adventure. Come join us.

Questions? Contact Candy Blackmon, (626) 644-4045

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Sacred Sundays: On-Time Class on the Religion of Sports on Super Bowl Sunday

Sacred Sundays: On-Time Class on the Religion of Sports on Super Bowl Sunday

Join Taylor and Lizzy Williams for a thought-provoking one-time class on Super Bowl Sunday as we tackle the connections between religion, sports, and the culture that elevates sports to near-religious status. Discover how faith intersects with fandom and explore what it means when Texas's "real religion" is football. Whether you're a sports enthusiast or a curious observer, this discussion will offer insights into the spiritual dimensions of one of America's favorite pastimes.

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Church Family Movie Night: Prince of Egypt

Church Family Movie Night: Prince of Egypt

Join us for a fun Church Family Movie Night on Wednesday, February 7, at 6 PM in Miller Center! We’ll gather to watch the animated classic The Prince of Egypt, a powerful retelling of Moses’ journey of faith. Enjoy pizza, snacks, popcorn, and an evening of fellowship. This event is open to everyone, so bring the whole family, friends, and neighbors. Don’t miss this chance to relax, connect, and be inspired!

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Pub Theology

Pub Theology

Pub Theology is a group for folks with questions about God and life. We meet at a local bar for a discussion-based group. Leaders lead a mini presentation on the topic and what history, the Bible, and other theologians may have to say about it. Our questions examine the topics through the lens of the individual’s life experiences in the group.

Spring 2025 Topics:

  • February 6—Method to the Madness: John Wesley and the Foundations of Methodism

  • March 6—Gosh Daring: Fictional Blasphemy

  • April 3*—Father Abraham Had Many Sons: Abrahamic Religions

  • May 1*—It's the End of the World as We Know It: The Apocalypse

*April and May topics tentative and may switch.

Location: Miss Angeline's, 125 E. Oak Street, Denton, TX 76201

Age limit: If you’re under 21 but would like to attend, please check in with Alyssa.

Parking: There's street parking and a parking lot located directly across the street from Miss Angeline's.

Accessibility: There is a ramp on the Oak Street side of Miss Angeline's. There is a chance we will be outside, depending on the weather, but most often we will be meeting in the red room in the center of the venue (directly in front of the restrooms).

Restrooms: There are two gendered bathrooms.

NA options: Non-alcoholic options are available.

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Community Dinner

Community Dinner

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Everyone is welcome to a church-wide community dinner on the 1st Wednesday nights of every month at 6pm in Miller Center. Build deeper relationships in your church community and enjoy your dinner at the church. You can bring your own dinner, bring something to share with the community, or just come hungry—whatever works for you works for us! There are lots of folks already here on Wednesday nights coming to choir, handbells, meetings, studies, etc. Feel free to come and then disburse to other Wednesday night activities. This will be come & go, no pressure to arrive at a specific time or stay long. See you there!

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Birthday Bash

Birthday Bash

Join us for a Birthday Bash sponsored by United Women in Faith! This is a church-wide fellowship potluck lunch following the 11:00 services in Monroe Gym. Every month will have their own birthday table (with some overflow tables for the popular months) and you will be invited to sit at your birth month table. You'll find out who you share a birthday with and meet some new folks in your church family! This is an inter-generational event, so we will have fun activities for kids of all ages to enjoy.

You're also invited to bring a savory dish to share—but please don’t bring desserts. Birthday Cakes will be provided by UWF members and friends! Please bring your dishes to Monroe Gym Kitchen at anytime on that Sunday morning before this event.

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Moses Sermon Series Begins

Moses Sermon Series Begins

The story of Moses is one of resilience, transformation, and faith. From a life of struggle and doubt to becoming one of God’s most faithful leaders, Moses’ journey reminds us that God’s call can meet us in the midst of our challenges and transform us. This February, join us as we explore Moses’ life and how his story invites us to face our doubts, embrace wonder, and rely on God and others to fulfill our calling.

Join us on Sundays for this transformative sermon series:

9:00 AM in Mosaic Worship

11:00 AM in the Sanctuary

11:00 AM at Open Worship

Come as you are, and let’s journey together toward a deeper faith and a braver love. See you there!

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February Mission Corner: Gift Cards for Spring Break Food Baskets

February Mission Corner: Gift Cards for Spring Break Food Baskets

FUMC Denton is partnering with Tomas Rivera Elementary to provide grocery store gift cards for families whose children depend on the school breakfast and lunch programs for meals when school is in session. Feeding children during spring break, March 10-14, is a challenge for food insecure families. 

To participate, you may:

  • Give Kroger or Walmart gift cards in any dollar amount $50 or less. Please write the value on the gift card. You may drop gift cards in the offering plate on Sunday mornings or at the Ivey Garden entrance to FUMC Denton during business hours.

  • Donate money through fumcdenton.com/give and select “General Missions” from the drop-down menu or mail checks to FUMC Denton. Designate funds to general mission with "February Mission Corner” in the memo line both online and via check.

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Couples Connect: A Relationship Workshop

Couples Connect: A Relationship Workshop

Join Scott and Raegan for an engaging evening designed to help couples strengthen their relationships through connection, conflict resolution, and meaningful communication. Whether you’re looking to deepen your bond or pick up practical skills to navigate challenges, this night promises to be both enriching and fun!

Enjoy a delicious dinner in Miller Center, provided for all attendees, while childcare is available to make it a stress-free evening for families.

Registration is required to ensure your spot. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your relationship and connect with others in the community!

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Trippers: Winter Potluck

Trippers: Winter Potluck

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Winter Potluck

Trippers are having a party! If you are a Tripper, have been a Tripper or want to become a Tripper you are invited to join us for lunch! On Thursday Jan. 30. we're having a Potluck Lunch Party in Miller Center from 11:00am-2:00pm.

Entertainment will be provided by Norris Perry who performs all over the metroplex.

Please sign-up to bring something using the button below. Download the trip flyer for more information.

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January Mission Corner: Shiloh Food Pantry

January Mission Corner: Shiloh Food Pantry

The North Texas Food Bank estimates that 34 percent of college students across the U.S. face hunger. Food insecurity can harm a student’s ability to reach their educational and professional goals. The Wesley Foundation and the North Texas Food Bank are working to close the hunger gap among students.

The Shiloh Food Pantry serves students and neighbors near campus. Active students as well as those not in school are welcomed. Clients do not need to show proof of income, address, or ID.

Below is a list of their current needs. 

  • Pasta 

  • Individually Wrapped Snacks

  • Canned soups & chilis (especially vegetarian)

  • Oatmeal and Cereal

  • Toiletries -Body soap, shampoo, toothpaste 

  • Household Cleaners/Laundry pods

  • Toilet paper

  • Plastic or paper grocery bags

Please bring your donations with you to worship on Sundays. Donations can also be brought to church to the Ivey Garden entrance of the church on Locust Street during the week, Monday-Wednesday, from 9-4 or Thursdays, 9-12:30.

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Youth Midwinter Retreat
to Jan 26

Youth Midwinter Retreat

MidWinter is a youth-led weekend camp experience! Our Conference Youth Leadership Program (CYLP) participants plan everything from the theme of the weekend to the games and activities that we will participate in. They will also lead throughout our MidWinterCamp weekends, sharing prayers, testimonies, and much more! 

Registration is open now! Additional details for each camp's registration dates are below.

MidWinter 1 - January 24-26
($115) Regular Registration Rate: Now until December 20, 2024
($135) Late Registration Rate: December 21, 2024-January 10, 2025
($155) If Space Registration Rate - as spaces are available: January 11-January 20, 2025

Our FUMC Denton Youth will go together and depart from FUMC Denton on Friday and return to FUMC Denton for parent pick up on Sunday.

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Men’s Book Club

Men’s Book Club

Join our next Men’s Book Club at Zera’s Coffee, 420 E. McKinney, Denton. The book chosen is: Hellhound on His Trail by Hampton Sides. Discussion will be encouraged and occasionally we may even talk about the book. Even if you don’t read, come and enjoy the fellowship. Please contact Bob Voss 972-965-9605 for more information.

Book Description: NATIONAL BESTSELLER • On April 4, 1968, James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lorraine Motel. The nation was shocked, enraged, and saddened. As chaos erupted across the country and mourners gathered at King's funeral, investigators launched a sixty-five day search for King’s assassin that would lead them across two continents—from the author of Blood and Thunder and Ghost

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UWF Online Book Club

UWF Online Book Club

Join the United Women in Faith (UWF) Book Club for an engaging, monthly gathering of readers exploring powerful stories and diverse perspectives. Meeting on Zoom on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (unless noted otherwise), the Book Club dives into selections from the UWF Reading Program. Each book offers unique insights into themes of spiritual growth, social action, leadership development, nurturing community, and mission education. Participants can enjoy biographies, memoirs, and novels that foster lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of faith in action. All members of the congregation are welcome to join and explore books for all ages available through the UWF Reading Program.

January 21 (Tuesday!): The Girl With the Louding Voice, Abi Dare

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Office Closed in Observance of MLK Day

Office Closed in Observance of MLK Day

On Monday, January 20, the Church Office will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Let us take this time to honor his legacy, reflect on his teachings, and recommit ourselves to the ongoing work of racial reconciliation and justice in our world.

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Chili Cook Off

Chili Cook Off

Chili Serving & Competition Begin at 11:00 AM | Silent Auction Starts at Noon

Join us for FUMC Denton Youth's Annual Chili Cook Off and Silent Auction! This beloved fundraiser supports our youth mission trips and is a fun-filled tradition for our church family.

Chili will be served starting at 11:00 AM so everyone, including our early worship folks, can enjoy and participate in a friendly chili competition! Taste a variety of delicious recipes and vote for your favorite by dropping donations (cash, check, or Venmo) into the corresponding jar. The chili with the most donations wins!

Prizes will be awarded for:

  • The Sunday school class or small group that cooks the most chili

  • The individual chili that earns the most donations

Seating for dining in will be available in the Monroe Gym. Take-home servings will also be offered in the Miller Center for those who just want chili to-go. 

Don't miss the Silent Auction, featuring unique items donated by our youth and community members. Past favorites include themed baskets like the always-popular Buc-ee’s Basket, loaded with treats and merch! 

This is a donations-only event—no cost to enter or enjoy. Bring your appetite, your friends, and your generosity to support a great cause!

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Family Dinner Night

Family Dinner Night

Enjoy a family-friendly dinner night out with your church family! Meet us at Rudy’s BBQ off of I35 near Teasley and treat yourself to an easy dinner out and visit with other FUMC Denton families. All are welcome!

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