Faith in Action Thanksgiving Event
Thank you for participating in the Faith In Action Thanksgiving event on Sunday! It was a huge success in terms of creating a space for our church family to gather, share a meal, and do some “hands on” mission work that will bless so many in our church and community. The partnership between UMW and the Missions Team turned out to be a wonderful one!
We created 100 Blessing Bags that included homemade pumpkin bread, a Thanksgiving card, FUMC Advent information, and were decorated, then delivered yesterday and today to our homebound members. About 80 Hygiene kits were assembled from items received from our August Mission Corner that will go to Our Daily Bread. A number of calls were made to our worship-from-home members. “Godly Play Bags” were sewn to help Marfa Ministries with their Godly Play ministry and “Loveys” were made for premature babies at area hospitals.
Without your participation, hard work, and support, none of this would have been possible. Your leadership and support are deeply appreciated.
—Chuck Rives, Missions Committee Chair