Alternative Gifts Fair 2021—Thank You!

The Alternative Gifts Fair committee shares our heartfelt thanks for all the support our FUMC Denton community gave to a successful Alternative Gifts Fair after last year’s COVID pause. Preliminary financials show that we raised $64,449.80 for local and global missions—a number that we are very proud of—and still counting! This number includes matching grants graciously given by members, member businesses and Sunday school classes. This year presented new challenges for our AGF team with moving to a new location and following as many COVID-safety protocols as possible but, we left the gym on Sunday afternoon feeling reinvigorated about our efforts. This year’s vendors reported a very positive, welcoming experience and thanked us for the church’s hospitality. Our success is due in large part to the support all of you give us each year. A special thanks should go to Martha Segundo and her staff who again worked tirelessly to help us in hundreds of ways throughout the weekend. AGF exemplifies our ongoing efforts to “shine God’s love” and showcases a church that is living out our mission statement.