Rev. Martha Segundo & Jesus Fuente de Vida

Photos by Emilio Mesa Photography
Pastor Martha is really enjoying her first appointment as our Associate Pastor! She is the preaching pastor of our Jesus Fuente de Vida service that meets at 1 pm on Sundays in Flinn Hall! Learn more about this community at
Rev. Martha Segundo, a beloved member of our FUMC Denton staff since 1999, was appointed as a part-time Licensed Local Pastor to FUMC Denton effective July 1, 2023.
Rev. Segundo’s primary pastoral responsibility is to shepherd Jesus Fuente de Vida as they enter into a new season of vibrant ministry in our community, while continuing to support the Operations team in a new way. Bishop Saenz made this appointment in consultation with District Superintendent Rev. Deborah Hobbs-Mason and the FUMC Denton SPRC.
Pastor Martha began her work at FUMC Denton 23 years ago as a member of our custodial team, and within two years became our Facilities Manager. It was here at our church that she discerned her call to be a pastor with support from other female clergy, encouragement of our congregation, and empowerment from our staff and lay leaders. Martha remembers the day that Pastor Don proclaimed to her and her husband, Pascual, “We’re going to call her pastor someday!” Pastor Don and the broader congregation saw something in Martha that she was beginning to discern in herself and affirmed her pastoral gifts, helping her find the courage to pursue her calling.
In 2017, Martha answered that long-time call to ministry by meeting with our SPRC and with our District Superintendent to apply for clergy candidacy, then enrolling in classes to become a Licensed Local Pastor in the United Methodist Church, completing her course of study and being approved by the North Texas Conference in 2019. Since that beginning, Martha has served as a leader and regular preacher in Jesus Fuente de Vida and is beloved by the congregation. As her journey progressed, both our 2022 and 2023 SPRC committees voted to approve her appointment here when it would be time for her first pastoral position.
Martha has faithfully served our church with a pastor’s heart for over two decades and is honored and excited to continue her ministry with her very first appointment at the church and in the congregation she has called home for so long. “I am so happy that I can continue working with my congregation,” she said. “The congregation is so happy that I will be here and they will be here to support me. I am so excited to continue growing with them. I am thankful for the support of this church and I know there are a lot of people who are happy for me. It’s very nice to know that the people here are happy for me to grow here.”
Cole Martin, who chairs the FUMC Denton SPRC, reiterates the strategic win this appointment is for Rev. Segundo and for our church. “It’s a joy to be able to support Martha’s call to ministry in a way that allows her to serve the faith community that she’s called home for so long. Her appointment to lead Jesus Fuente de Vida will no doubt strengthen that ministry for years to come—and it gives us the ability to strengthen our investment in facility upkeep and maintenance at critical time in our church’s history.”
It has been such a joy to welcome Rev. Martha Segundo into her ministerial appointment to FUMC Denton and for the day to finally come for us to all know her as Pastor Martha!