Study Groups
Upcoming Opportunities
Ongoing Opportunities
Community Bible Study
Wednesdays, 12-1 pm, Miller Center
Community Bible Study is led by all of our pastors at FUMC Denton and is open to anyone who would like to gather in community to discuss Scripture book by book, one verse at a time. This group meets over the lunch hour on Wednesdays from 12-1pm. Bring a brown bag lunch. Participants eat first, followed by a prayer, scripture, and discussion.
Bill Neu Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday Mornings, 7:30 am, Sidewalk Cafe
Come join us for a small group Bible Study and breakfast on Wednesday Mornings at 7:30 am. We will concentrate on fellowship using scripture. Bring your Bible and an appetite.
Women’s Online Bible Study
1st & 3rd Mondays, 6:30 pm, Zoom
This online bible study group explores spiritual growth and social justice using book based bible studies. Join this engaged and spirited group to explore contemporary issues of injustice while renewing our spirit to do good in the world.