United Women in Faith (UWF)
Formally United Methodist Women (UMW)
Upcoming Opportunities
UWF Circles
Members of UWF are:
Faithful – providing opportunities for spiritual growth and affirming the love of God for all humankind.
Purposeful – knowing God and expanding concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church
Supportive – offering Christian friendship and affirming the potential of every woman
Unique – spanning the globe with local units and combining the individuals’ spiritual journey with a global perspective and outreach
Global – focusing on the mission outreach of the church and supporting mission personnel with prayer and offerings
Responsive – celebrating the joys and responding to the hurts and pains of others
Reliable Ruth
3rd Tuesdays, 1pm, Room 108, Sept—May
Meets monthly for fellowship, programs, and light refreshments. This group of women of diverse ages and backgrounds focuses attention on the needs of women, children, and youth, and financially supports the local food center. Light refreshments are served.
Dorcas Mission Group
2nd Tuesdays at 2 pm, Sept—May
Meets the second Tuesday of each month at 2 pm at the homes of members with light refreshments, program, and fellowship. Their focus is serving the poor.
3rd Sundays at 12:15 pm in Miller Center, Sept—May
Encouragers meet for lunch, a program or hands-on activity, and fellowship. Everyone is welcome! We believe love in action can change the world. Families are welcome to join us for lunch and free childcare is available.
UWF Book Club
Monthly, Thursdays, 7 pm, zoom
Meets throughout the year for topic-based discussions inspired by the books from the UWF Reading program. All are welcome!
Crafters & Quilters Group
Thursdays from 9-11:30 am in Miller Center
This group meets weekly for fellowship, crafting, and quilting, with the intention of raising funds for local and global missions. Come by and bring a craft or quilt to work on, or just come by to say hi!

News, Stories, & Causes
UWF Reading Program
The organization of the United Women in Faith advocates for and encourages life-long learning. One way to accomplish this is to read books included in their reading program. When you explore the UWF Reading Program shelves in our library, you will find books within the categories of leadership development, spiritual growth, social action, education for mission and nurturing community. Genres include biographies, autobiographies and historical fiction. All members of the congregation are invited to check out books from the UWF Reading Program shelves. Books for children and youth are also available through the reading program on missionresources.org.
“It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people.”