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Awkward Advent Group with the Pastors

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton 201 South Locust Street Denton, TX, 76201 United States (map)

So Christmas this year looks . . . awkward. We all have our own idea of the perfect Christmas and this year is nowhere close. Don’t worry, the first Christmas was awkward, too. From our viewpoint, God showed up in the middle of the mess, so we think of the times and places as sacred. But what would you think if you were in the middle of it?

Join our FUMC Denton Pastors—Don, Jonathan, Mauricio, and David for this 4-week Short-Term Sunday Morning Group meeting Sundays at 10 am in Room 108 on November 30, December 4, 11, & 18.

December 18


December 19

Pub Theology