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December Mission Corner: McNatt Animal Shelter

  • First United Methodist Church of Denton 201 South Locust Street Denton, TX, 76201 United States (map)

Throughout December, we will be collecting items for the McNatt Animal Shelter.

  • New or used towels or small blankets (no electric blankets)

  • Plain clay kitty litter

  • Newspapers

  • Tennis balls, Kong toys or other sturdy washable dog toys

  • Wand-type cat toys and washable plastic ball cat toys

  • Natural dog and cat treats

  • Quality canned and dry, cat and dog food

Please bring your donations with you to worship on Sundays. Donations can also be brought to church to the Ivy Garden entrance of the church on Locust Street during the week, Monday-Thursday, from 9-4 pm.

Checks can be made out to the church with the Memo Line: December Mission Corner. You can also give online at and select “General Missions” in the drop-down menu and write “December Mission Corner” in the memo line.

December 12

Lessons & Carols

December 16

Pub Theology