Led by Laura Byrd & Rev. Don Lee | Mar. 6-Apr. 3 | Flinn Hall Lounge (next to Open on the corner of Sycamore & Locust) | Sunday mornings at 10 am
In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they might have zōḗ (absolute fullness of life), and to have it more perissós (superabundantly).”This five-week study will focus on practices that are in-character for Jesus’ followers and lead to the superabundant life that Jesus promises—humility, contentment, forgiveness, love and joy. These practices are lifegiving and deepen our inner world as we live into the image of God in which we are all made. They are called “practices” not because they are traditional spiritual disciplines of the church, but because they require intentionality by those who choose to practice them. Along with practices such as prayer and meditation, worship and giving, service and witness, these practices of the Spirit shape us to be live out the nature of Christ in the world and our relationships.