Upcoming Events

North Texas International Overdose Awareness Day
North TX Overdose Awareness Day
Saturday,, August 31, 6:30 pm
Lawn of Denton Courthouse on the Square
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August 31 each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose.
On this night, the courthouse and downtown skyline will light up purple in support of this cause. The event will include featured speakers, 40+ resource providers, live music from our FUMC Denton Modern Band,, food, balloon art, and a memorial. This is a free event open to the public.
The purpose is:
1. Promote awareness and unite and educate the community about the overdose epidemic.
2. Provide resources and support for individuals and families struggling with drug use disorder.
3. Reduce the stigma of this disorder and remember those who have been lost to overdose.
Learn more at www.roonow.org and www.overdoseday.com

North Texas International Overdose Awareness Day
North TX Overdose Awareness Day
Thursday, August 31, 6:30 pm
Lawn of Denton Courthouse on the Square
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August 31 each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose.
On this night, the courthouse and downtown skyline will light up purple in support of this cause. The event will include featured speakers, 40+ resource providers, live music, food, balloon art, and a memorial. This is a free event open to the public. Pastor Jonathan is a speaker at the event.
The purpose is:
1. Promote awareness and unite and educate the community about the overdose epidemic.
2. Provide resources and support for individuals and families struggling with drug use disorder.
3. Reduce the stigma of this disorder and remember those who have been lost to overdose.
Also, in recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day, our Ivey Garden church bell will be rung in Ivey Garden on August 31 at noon in honor of the lives lost. The bell will ring 12 times this year to represent the 12+ people who died every hour in 2022, over 300 Americans each day.We hope this is meaningful for all of you and that this will offer a moment of reflection and prayer to remember those we’ve lost and take a moment to learn more about how to prevent overdose.
Drug deaths nationwide hit a new record in 2022. 109,680 people died as the fentanyl crisis continued to deepen, according to preliminary data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In real numbers, Texas and Washington state saw the biggest increases in drug fatalities in 2022. Both states suffered roughly 500 additional deaths linked to overdose.
Learn more at www.roonow.org and www.overdoseday.com

North Texas International Overdose Awareness Day
North TX Overdose Awareness Day
Wednesday, August 31, 6:30-8 pm
Lawn of Denton Courthouse on the Square
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August 31 each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose.
On this night, the courthouse and downtown skyline will light up purple in support of this cause. The event will include featured speakers, 40+ resource providers, live music, food, balloon art, and a memorial. This is a free event open to the public. Music will be provided by the Open Band and Pastor Jonathan is a speaker at the event.
The purpose is:
1. Promote awareness and unite and educate the community about the overdose epidemic.
2. Provide resources and support for individuals and families struggling with drug use disorder.
3. Reduce the stigma of this disorder and remember those who have been lost to overdose.
Also, in recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day, our Ivey Garden church bell will be rung in Ivey Garden on August 31 at noon in honor of the lives lost. The bell will ring 12 times, symbolizing an estimated 12 deaths per hour from overdose in 2021. We hope this is meaningful for all of you and that this will offer a moment of reflection and prayer to remember those we’ve lost and take a moment to learn more about how to prevent overdose.
Learn more at www.roonow.org and www.overdoseday.com

North Texas International Overdose Awareness Day
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on 31 August each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose. This year, the in-person event was canceled out of concern for public health and safety resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.
In recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day, our church bell will be rung in Ivey Garden on August 31st at noon in honor of the lives lost. The bell will ring 11 times, symbolizing an estimated 10.6 deaths per hour from overdose in 2020. We hope this is meaningful for all of you and that this will offer a moment of reflection and prayer to remember those we’ve lost and take a moment to learn more about how to prevent overdose.
Learn more at www.roonow.org and www.overdoseday.com

Mission Opportunity to UMCOR Sager Brown 2020
UMCOR Sager Brown is the depot for disaster supplies for the United Methodist Church located in Baldwin, LA. This is a wonderful opportunity for a close-to-home mission trip and a chance to meet UMC people from all over the US.

North Texas International Overdose Awareness Day
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on 31 August each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose. This year, the in-person event was canceled out of concern for public health and safety resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.
In recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day, our church bell will be rung in Ivey Garden on August 31st at noon in honor of the lives lost. The bell will ring 8 times, symbolizing an estimated 1 death by drug overdose every 7.8 minutes each day. We hope this is meaningful for all of you and that this will offer a moment of reflection and prayer to remember those we’ve lost and take a moment to learn more about how to prevent overdose.
Learn more at www.roonow.org and www.overdoseday.com

Fruits of the Spirit: Online Summer Series for Kids & Families
By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. —Galatians 5:22-23 (NRSV)
This Summer, all kids and families are invited to participate in Fruits of the Spirit—a fun summer series complete with weekly discussion points, videos, and family activities! Join Sally Strawberry, Karl Kiwi, Abraham Apple, and so many more characters as they help us grow our own spiritual fruit and put our new knowledge into action with mission opportunities! Make sure to sign up for the Children’s Ministry newsletter to participate! Each week, you’ll be emailed a link to discover that week’s fruit of the spirit. To subscribe, click here: http://eepurl.com/bWY7wD
Sign up to volunteer!

Mission Corner: Food Crisis in Cuba
The Methodist Church in Cuba has an urgent need to feed people. Our pastor friends in Cuba tell us that food is very hard to find and when it's found it's very expensive. Right now, people are waiting up to two days in line at food markets to get a basic ration. Cuba has been having a very difficult time economically because a major contributor to its economy is tourism. Because of the pandemic, tourism has virtually vanished. People in Cuba are hungry and don't have many options for work or providing food for their families. Methodist pastors and their families are affected, too.
Checks can be written to FUMC Denton with Cuba Methodist Church on the memo line or click here to give online to help alleviate this crisis. FUMC Denton Mission Committee approved over $500 last month to be sent to Cuba out of the discretionary funds the Mission Committee has available. Pastor Alcibiades (Pastor Al) of the Iglesia Metodista en Cuba is so grateful for this support.