Upcoming Events

Kids Sunday School Bag Pickup
July 12th will be our next Sunday School bag pick up. This week’s bag includes 2 very fun crafts, activity sheets including Kindness Bingo, treats, and more! See you Sunday in the East Wing parking lot from 12 - 2. Looking forward to learning more Fruits of the Spirit with all of you!

Kids Sunday School Bag Pickup
June 28th will be our next Sunday School bag pick up. It will include crafts for Peace and Patience, activity sheets, and other fun goodies. Also, we will have a SNO-CONE TRUCK! So come grab your Sunday School bag and a sno-cones on us! Sounds pretty cool to me. Happening in the East Wing parking lot from 12 - 2 (sno-cones from 12:30-1:30) See you next week!

Fruits of the Spirit: Online Summer Series for Kids & Families
By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. —Galatians 5:22-23 (NRSV)
This Summer, all kids and families are invited to participate in Fruits of the Spirit—a fun summer series complete with weekly discussion points, videos, and family activities! Join Sally Strawberry, Karl Kiwi, Abraham Apple, and so many more characters as they help us grow our own spiritual fruit and put our new knowledge into action with mission opportunities! Make sure to sign up for the Children’s Ministry newsletter to participate! Each week, you’ll be emailed a link to discover that week’s fruit of the spirit. To subscribe, click here: http://eepurl.com/bWY7wD
Sign up to volunteer!

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, remembers the excitement and expectation as Jesus entered Jerusalem bringing his message of God’s love and life. The people of the city grabbed palm branches to wave and threw their cloaks before Jesus on the road — the same way ancient kings were greeted. On this Sunday, children will have the opportunity to reenact this day by waving palm branches and participating in a procession during worship services. After the 11:00 services, we'll all gather for an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids and pancake lunch for everyone!