Upcoming Events

Love Feast
While we are fasting from Communion until we can gather again, we wanted to offer an opportunity to gather virtually and acknowledge Christ's presence in all of our meals while we are apart. Join us for a celebration of the Love Feast on May 17 at noon where we will bless our meals together with a brief time of sharing, scripture, prayer, and celebrating community. Don't worry, we will not be eating while on the Zoom call! Just offering a blessing before we depart to enjoy lunch. All are welcome!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 279 605 2169
Password: Love
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Meeting ID: 279 605 2169
Password: 421251
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Senior Sunday
On Sunday, May 17, we’re celebrating our seniors by inviting them to lead! Twelve seniors will lead us in worship, from the liturgy to leading prayers to giving us the morning’s message. Join us in celebration and support of our graduating seniors! Also, because of the Stay-at-Home order, this service will be online. On August 9, we’re hoping to be able to celebrate in person with our seniors before they go off on their next adventures. Save the date! If you have a graduating senior that you would like to include in the celebration, please contact Pastor David Finley at dfinley@fumc-denton.com.

Mother's Day
All are welcome to join us this Sunday for Mother’s Day! We look forward to gathering with you in spirit at one of our 4 online worship services. You can find out more at fumcdenton.com/live.

Soul Reset Sermon Series Begins
The virus has disrupted our lifestyles but also forced us to hunker down and begin to process what we are feeling and how we will work through this crisis and find life on the other side of it. The short six verses that make up the Shepherd’s Psalm (Psalm 23) offer us a way to both identify our feelings and find a way to respond to our reality from a faith perspective. By plugging into Jesus as our shepherd, we can find grace sufficient for every need. In the end, we discover we are not alone in this and that God invites us to a new life lived in God’s kingdom.

Easter Sunday
Join us on Easter Sunday for a joyous celebration of new life, renewal, and resurrection — the rhythm of God’s grace at work in our world and in us. The ancient call and response of the people bears witness to that grace: Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Together we celebrate our shared hope with glorious song, hopeful good news, and joyous life. Even though we can’t gather in person, we can still experience the power of community online! Invite friends, strangers, neighbors, and families as we celebrate the powerful love of God in Christ that gives rhythm to our lives!
Sunrise Service (Facebook Live)
Mosaic Worship at 9:45am ( Facebook Live)
Celebration Service at 11am (Facebook Live, TV, or Website)
Open Worship at 11am (Facebook Live)
Jesus Fuente de Vida (Facebook Live)

Good Friday
On this evening, we will remember the sacred sacrifice of love Jesus made on the cross. In a service of song, scripture, and silence, we will reflect on the hardship of that day and the way darkness seemed to drown out the light. The solemnity of Good Friday is an important part of the rhythm of Holy Week. Because, even in this important, poignant experience, we look to the hope of Easter—that God’s life and love triumphed over the grave. In the midst of the pain and the loss of Good Friday is a profound paradox: What seemed final was simply not final. The grave is empty. Death has indeed lost its sting. Join us online for this on our Watch Live page or on Facebook!

Maundy Thursday
We’ll revisit the story of the Last Supper and what happened that night leading up to Jesus’ arrest. The word Maundy comes from the Latin mandatum, which means “command,” and references Jesus telling the disciples to love one another as he has loved them. We’ll get together in a Zoom call to enjoy music, prayer, and experience the story. We'll be doing virtual communion—anything you have at home to represent the bread and cup will work just fine. We hope to remember what Jesus has done, is doing, and will do, as we discover how our own calling and giftedness becomes part of this Lenten story.

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, remembers the excitement and expectation as Jesus entered Jerusalem bringing his message of God’s love and life. The people of the city grabbed palm branches to wave and threw their cloaks before Jesus on the road — the same way ancient kings were greeted. On this Sunday, children will have the opportunity to reenact this day by waving palm branches and participating in a procession during worship services. After the 11:00 services, we'll all gather for an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids and pancake lunch for everyone!