Upcoming Events

Zoom Discussion on Voting Rights with the General Board of Church & Society
Interested in learning more about the fight for fair elections? Join the General Board of Church & Society on June 30th for the discussion on voting rights + the film “Suppressed: The Fight to Vote.”
Suppressed: The Fight to Vote: http://ow.ly/R1rp50AhLim
Register for the Zoom Discussion: http://ow.ly/scRE50AhLil

Encourager's Circle Zoom Meeting
Encourager's Circle Zoom Meeting today, Thursday, June 25, at 7:00 p.m.Karen Anderson-Lain will be leading us in Session II of our spiritual growth study Chapters 3 & 4 of "Finding Peace in an Anxious World". Please plan on attending even if you don't have the book. You'll be able to participate through Karen's presentation whether you've read the book or not.
Meeting ID: 874 7859 7144
Password: 478906

Mother's Day
All are welcome to join us this Sunday for Mother’s Day! We look forward to gathering with you in spirit at one of our 4 online worship services. You can find out more at fumcdenton.com/live.