A Word on Pilgrimage
Today's daily devotional with Josh Taylor, Director of Worship and Music. Thoughts on travel, pilgrimage, and journeying in this time.
All Things New
Join Rev. Kake Nations for today's daily devotion as we consider God's work to make all things new and our part in that new-making work. May you experience the presence and spirit of God with you today.
Is there any such thing as a small thing?
Join Pastor David for today’s daily devotional where he will explore stories told in the Bible where small things created marvelous results.
What if 2020 is the most important year of all?
Join Pastor David as he answers the question “What if 2020 is the most important year of all?”
A Word on Courage
What does it mean to have courage? Join one of our worship leaders at Mosaic Worship, Lizzy McClinchie, in a daily devotion that can help empower you for the road ahead! #bebrave
A Reflection on Ascension
Daily Devotional considering Ascension with Josh Taylor, Director of Worship and Music.
A New Thing
The words from Isaiah have been coming to me all week: "I am doing a new thing." What if God is using this time of quarantine and social distancing to show us that we indeed can do new things: in our church, in our community, and in our world.
Thoughts on Freedom
How many times have you heard, “I can do whatever I want, it’s a free country.” And you can, but should you? Paul had this discussion with the Romans, not about Covid-19, but about food. What can we learn from Paul’s thoughts on freedom?