Let Me Be Held
Let Me Be Held is a song that meets us in the midst of uncertainty and offers a loving embrace — when we cannot hold it all, still we are held.
We Will Find a Way
We WILL find a way through this friends, if we stick together. We are better together.
Be Kind—A Message to Carry
Join Pastor Jonathan and his son, Hudson, for today's daily devotion.
God With Us: A Good Friday Mediation
Join Mosaic worship leader Laura Byrd for today's daily devotion. We love you and hope this brings you encouragement and peace in this season.
Everything All at Once
Holy Week is, just like now, every feeling all at once. Deep lament and joyous celebration all mixed in together. And we know that God is with us in everything, even all at once. Pastor Jonathan and Hannah Phillips offer us this devotion!
Shining God’s Light in the Valley
Not even a pandemic can dim God’s light of love for all the world! Check out this devotional with Pastor Don.
Communion When Union Isn't Possible
Renee Grems is a member of the Open Worship community. As we prepare to celebrate this Communion Sunday apart for the first time ever, she offers this reminder of what the act of taking communion is really about.
Giving God Thanks
Consider practicing the spiritual practice of gratitude through the duration of this pandemic. Add gratitude to your care toolkit. You might be surprised by how this spiritual practice can change the way you view things.
Leading Worship in an Empty Room
Sunday was the very first time many of us have ever done online-only church!