A Reflection on Ascension
Daily Devotional considering Ascension with Josh Taylor, Director of Worship and Music.
Thoughts on Freedom
How many times have you heard, “I can do whatever I want, it’s a free country.” And you can, but should you? Paul had this discussion with the Romans, not about Covid-19, but about food. What can we learn from Paul’s thoughts on freedom?
Be Still & Know
Against all odds, faith allows us to find a peace that surpasses all understanding. Join Pastor Kake in this devotional for the second week of Easter!
Communion When Union Isn't Possible
Renee Grems is a member of the Open Worship community. As we prepare to celebrate this Communion Sunday apart for the first time ever, she offers this reminder of what the act of taking communion is really about.
On Flesh in the Time of COVID-19
There are lots of ideas out there about why the Word “became flesh,” even though it seemed like bad news. Even though being flesh kind of sucked (and still does for all of us sometimes). But I believe that this happened, at least in part, to remind us how beautiful flesh is. The bottom line is that it takes courage to be flesh—especially in times like these.